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Hydrolyzed collagen is a dietary supplement that promotes collagen production throughout the body, helping to improve the appearance of the skin and strengthen joints, nails and hair. Being hydrolyzed is easily absorbed by the body.

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The Amora Miura supplement is produced from the Morus Nigra plant, which contains a variety of phenolic compounds. It has Anti-inflammatory properties, aids in controlling the symptoms of PMS and menopause and contributes to the treatment of osteoporosis.

Amora Miura

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Acerola is a fruit rich in Vitamin C, essential nutrient for the body obtained through food and when necessary supplementation. It has an antioxidant function that helps protect the body from free radical damage, aids in the formation of collagen and iron and contributes to the improvement of the immune system.

Acerola + Vitamina C

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Manna Cubiu is an Amazonian fruit, rich in fiber, phosphorus, vitamin C, pectin and has a high concentration of vitamin B3 (Niacin). Contributes to the maintenance of the skin, assists in the maintenance of mucous membranes, energy metabolism and metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Maná Cubiu

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Used for centuries in folk medicine, there are reports of antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

Própolis com óleo de alho

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Propolis and honey have several therapeutic properties, such as antimicrobial activity and increased immunity.



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Helps the immune system and the fight against inflammatory processes. It is ideal for all ages for increased immunity and aid in influenza symptoms.

Própolis com vitaminas C e E

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It is rich in catechins and caffeine being thermogenic, contributing to accelerate metabolism and may contribute to diets for fat reduction. It is antioxidant and aids in cholesterol control and mood enhancement.

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Red Tea has antioxidant action and properties that assist in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, weight loss diets. Contains catechins and caffeine that provides thermogenic effect.

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It has antioxidant action and low amount of caffeine, besides contributing to the improvement of the immune system, helping to control cholesterol, improving mood, and preventing and treating cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.

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It is a pomegranate supplement enriched with selenium, vitamin B5 and vitamin C. anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Helps protect against free radical damage and immune system function.

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Magnesium is an essential mineral for more than 350 biochemical reactions in the body, such as assisting bone and tooth formation, energy metabolism, carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, electrolyte balance, muscle and neuromuscular functioning, and cell division process.

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Collagen is an easily absorbed dietary supplement that aids the functioning of the lymphatic system and provides the body with protein precursors for elastic fibers. It is widely used to prevent sagging and cellulite by improving the health of nails, hair and joints. Its formula is enriched with vitamins A, C, E and Biotin, as well as zinc and selenium.

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O guaraná, devido ao seu elevado teor de cafeína, auxilia no aumento do estado de alerta, na melhoria da concentração, no aumento da capacidade de resistência e no desempenho de exercícios físicos. Já o açaí é rico em nutrientes, sendo um alimento energético que possui função antioxidante que ajuda a combater os radicais livres e prevenir o envelhecimento celular precoce.

Guaraná com Açaí

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A fibra de maracujá é elaborada a partir das cascas do maracujá, considerada um alimento importantíssimo, devido à alta concentração de fibras solúveis e insolúveis. Seu segredo está na fibra solúvel chamada Pectina, que ao ser ingerida, forma um gel, dificultando a absorção de gordura, enquanto as insolúveis ajudam a regular o intestino.

Fibra de Maracujá

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A Maca Peruana é conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais e por ajudar a aumentar a vitalidade e libido. Considerada por muitos como um estimulante natural, de fórmula afrodisíaca e, além disso, possui proteínas, cálcio, ferro, ácidos graxos, carboidrato, fibras e micronutrientes.

Maca Peruana

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Apresenta em sua composição proteínas, carboidratos, gorduras, vitaminas, minerais e enzimas. Já o cogumelo Agaricus blazei, é um fungo rico em vitaminas, minerais, proteínas, aminoácidos e antioxidantes. Esse suplemento é uma combinação que auxilia no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, no combate a anemia e na ação antioxidante

Geléia Real e

Cogumelo do Sol

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It is a low calorie supplement rich in some nutrients and can be used to aid in weight loss diets. The capsules can be used to assist in the treatment of hypertension, vasodilation, soothing, reduce insomnia, help with antibacterial and fungicidal issues.

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The green banana supplement is produced from the banana that has not yet ripened due to its benefits in its form of green fruit. It has resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate poorly absorbed by the body and is a source of fiber, aiding in the proper functioning of the intestine and preventing glucose spikes in the bloodstream.

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Derived from coffee known worldwide, green coffee is a food that contributes to greater energy during activities. It can act as thermogenic. Green coffee helps with weight loss and can help to decrease fat absorption. It is antioxidant, helping to fight free radicals.

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It aids in the function of collagen in the skin and also helps in improving blood circulation and also prevents breakdown of naturally generated collagen fibers in the body.

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Its function is to keep hair and nails healthier and more attractive.Prevents hair loss and weakening nails.It improves the functioning of cells, especially those that produce collagen. Controls oiliness and the appearance of acne.

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Verisol collagen has specific amino acids, stimulates cell synthesis and contains special bioactive peptides that directly present in the skin's dermis (inner layer) acting from the inside out increasing hydration and delaying the appearance of wrinkles.


It is a vitamin - mineral tablet supplement that aids in bone and tooth formation and maintenance, blood clotting, immune system functioning, and vitamin D3 further aids in maintaining calcium and phosphorus and in blood calcium levels.

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Its benefits are to assist in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, improve brain health, control cholesterol, assist in maintaining the health of skin, hair and nails  anti - inflammatory drugs.

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Omega 3 reduces the risk of heart disease. Contains DHA and EPA, great brain aids, cognitive functions and very important due to their anti-inflammatory action, being interesting to treat inflammatory symptoms or diseases such as cellulite, obesity and arthritis.

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